Dad rescues daughter from sex trafficking, kills boyfriend and …..more to come


Minding Hearts

A Dad, 60-year-old John Eisenman Sr. in Washington State killed his daughter’s boyfriend, Andrew Sorsensen because he sold her in a $1,000 sex trafficking deal in Seattle. Police say Eisenman was able to rescue his daughter and get her back to the Spokane area shortly after she was taken. Now his bond is $1 Million.

Update: Andrew Sorsensen’s family spoke to NBC about their son who was murdered. They said they were horrified to find out the details of their son’s death through news media and that their son was not a sex trafficker. They say that John Eisenman Sr. and his family are demonizing a developmentally disabled young man who was born with autism and cerebral palsy.

John Eisenman Sr told police that he killed Andrew Sorsensen after finding out that Sorsensen sold his daughter in a $1,000 sex trafficking deal in Seattle, but Sorensen’s parents told NBC News…

View original post 806 more words

The Birth Certificate

It’s “Soebarkah”, NOT Obama

Decertify his tenure | 🇺🇸 #WeThePeople 🇺🇸
The Animals | House of the Rising Sun c. 1964

I remember hearing this played, several times, at Trump rallies just before Trump would take the stage 🔥


Taking a (short) break from blogging…Life Happens …When It Rains It Pours ⚡️⚡️⚡️🌧🌧🌧⛈

In the mean time…

👉 Follow me Gab | Telegram

Note > LinkedIn account now suspended

👉 PS Facebook is the short-bus of social media

However, let me state for the record, #CPAC is NOT a convention of “Conservatives”, but another ridiculous convention of blathering #SwampRats paid to convince #Conservative voters the GOP truly hold #Americas best interest. Total FARCE.

THE GOOD NEWS!!!! After being cooped up in our homes for more than a year, our saving grace was the sunshine and Qirl talk…

poolside Margaritas

decent pizza

Our bungalow
Pizza at Capones 🍕

Interestingly, #CPAC2021 fell on the weekend of #MatriarchsPurim…We did enjoy some relaxing fun in the sun 🌞 Many moments of #Esther 🌟

On our way out to dinner

Fact remains, until #America breaks the 2-party system, no Independents will ever be allowed a voice…Consider the impact Independents would make to the 2-party-Primary….Hint: the lawyers set the system up this was to keep 3rd parties OUT of the running.


#TrumpIsStillYourPresident 🇺🇸🐸

Valerie Jarrett: An Expose’

“I am Iranian by birth and of my Islamic Faith. I am also an American citizen and seek to help change America to be a more Islamic country. My faith guides me and I feel like it is going well in the transition of using freedom of religion in America against itself”

– Valerie Jarrett Stanford University 1977

“She is involved in broad strategic decisions about our message and how we approach the campaign, and she’s involved in the details of managing the organization.” – Senator Obama

When Obama was elected as America’s first black president, little of his personal history was known. The public was given the snippets of information of his college attended college, very basic and generic information. His political career supposedly began in Chicago, which we all know is bunko. I grew up in Chicago, involved myself in politics in the 90’s, and no one ever heard of the soon to be Senator from Hawaii. Obama was literally a phantom.

Prior to his first senate run in 1996, Obama’s birth, college and professional records, all sealed. People questioned the lack of transparency, but the issue was quickly squashed by the media, and everyone went back to their daily lives.

To this day, questions STILL linger in all of our minds; what are the Obama’s hiding?

How could such vital information be kept from public record? Who is protecting the Obama identities? Who would have enough power to preventing such information from public opinion?

By what means would an elected president be allowed to secure the office of POTUS, when American voters had little to no knowledge of Obama’s identity?

In ’08, Obama/Biden beat McCain/Palin. Citizens who voted for #NoName gave Obama the benefit of the doubt, as #Deplorables patiently waited for the next election cycle to elect the Republican. (That’s how Conservatives roll) We don’t pitch emotional fits when things don’t go our way. Conservatives don’t set buildings ablaze or attack innocent bystanders. We wait our turn like civilized human beings.

Elise Amendola/AP Photo

There is no need to regurgitate the nightmare Obama tenure. However, there are a few points (and players) worth mentioning. We all know how the administration began to narrow our freedoms bit by bit, walls of American households began to close. Along with the help of (FastandFurious) Attorney General Eric Holder and a few others, the administration shredded the Constitution and sank America into a darker abyss. (more on SwampRat criminal Eric Holder in future posts. Count on it!)

Back in 2009, sealing of the Obama records raised many questions, and still does to this day. Why? Because it isn’t commonplace for politicians, let alone president of the free world to seal his private records, on the contrary! Clearly, only those wanting to hide information would consider such career suicide.

Point: recall if you will, when and how Obama acquired his Illinois Senate seat.

In 1995, during the Clinton Administration, Obama campaigned in Illinois’ 13th District. The same district as disgraced Chicago Congressman Mel Reynolds who was embroiled in a sex scandal topped with Democratic tax fraud. Reynolds was consequently sentenced to 6 ½ years in prison, leaving 13th House seat open. (Hmmmmm)

Anomaly: During the same time, Senator Alice Palmer stepped down from her Illinois senate seat to run for Reynolds’ congressional seat?! Note: politics is blood-sport. The career progression of a congressmen is to seek higher office, i.e. the Senate. It’s not conventional for senators to step down to congressman; not making sense.

Not making sense!

Cue Valerie Jarrett

Valerie Bowman (maiden name) was born in the city of Shiraz, capital of Fārs ostān (province) located near the Dry River in Southwest Iran. The same region known for their wine grapes.

Raised by activist parents, Valerie’s Father, Dr. James Bowman, created the family’s wealth by traveling abroad, assisting developing countries in establishing accessible health care. Her mother Barbara, an early childhood educator, earned her Masters at none other than University of Chicago.  

Sidenote: In 1955, FBI files obtained by Judicial Watch exhibit investigations into the communist ties of James Bowman, Valerie’s father, and subsequent investigation by U.S. government officials.

In 1983, Valerie married William Jarrett, native Chicago Obstetrician, son of Chicago Sun Times media personality Vernon Jarrett. The Jarrett’s gave birth to daughter Laura in 1985. Laura graduated Harvard Law School 2010. Interestingly, while in law school, she worked as a technical editor of the Harvard Law and Gender, which was originally named the Harvard Women’s Law Journal) the nation’s oldest published feminist law journal. Valerie and William divorced in 1988.

Anomaly: William Jarrett died of cardiac arrest at age 40. That in itself raises red flags. The crazy part, William’s second wife Sherry Luck, ALSO died at age 40 from cardiac arrest. Could this possibly a coincidence? Did these associations close to Valerie Jarrett meet some sort of unfortunate fate? Did they ever exist at all?

We already know the fate suffered by Loretta Fuddy. In 2010, Democratic California governor Neil Abercrombie “put to rest” the mystery surrounding Husseins birth certificate.

Conveniently, Lorretta Fuddy, Hawaaiin Health official who approved long form Obama birth certificate, DIED shortly after in an airplane crash?

AND, Loretta was the only crash fatality???

“There are no coincidences”

Obama’s candidacy is shrouded in mystery and controversy. Mainstream media serves the interests of themselves, never mind public transparency. The only common denominator throughout his entire presence is one person…Valerie Bowman Jarrett. It’s no secret factual information is scarce these days. The best we can do is dig for the information and string together facts and draw our own conclusions.

The following timeline shows the political career of Iranian born Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett. To this day, she maintains a stronghold within Chicago political machine. This list is by no means complete, but a work in progress. (Feel free to email me if you have anything questions or comments)

1987 Deputy Counselor for Finance and Development for Harold Washington – Valerie acted as deputy counselor for finance and Development for then Chicago mayor Harold Washington. Following Washington’s death, Jarrett remained with the mayors office and accepted a different position under Mayor Richard M. Daley. Note: Cook County Examiners Office concluded Harold Washington died of a heart attack

1991 Mayor Daley Chief of Staff

1995 to 2003 – Chicago Transit Authority chair

2004 to 2007 chairman of Chicago Stock Exchange

2007 – President and CEO of Chicago based Habitat Company

2009 – 2017 Senior Advisor to Barrack Obama

Obama Biden Transition Project

2010/2011 – (shrewd) Chicago real estate investments

Since leaving the White House in 2016, Jarrett serves as president of Obama Foundation

2017 – Ariel Investments: board of director member  

2017 2U Inc. board of directors; promoting online education

2017 – Lyft Board of Directors; Ride Sharing app

2017 Book deal with Viking Press

2018 – University of Chicago Law School senior fellow

2018 – United State of Women Summit that featured long-time pal Oprah Winfrey

👇And last, but certainly not least 👇

Recall Nancy Pelosi’s 2020 stimulus package and the $25million allocated to the Kennedy Center of Performing Arts?
Well, it turns out Valerie Jarrett AND (#BenghaziAintGoinAway) Susan Rice are on the board of trustees!
What a coinkidink!

Bear in mind, the Obama administration has not held office for more than FOUR YEARS!

Why are these politicians receiving such a large sum of money while American families cant even put food on their tables and businesses are decimated?!

One can only imagine the amount of damage caused by one Valerie Jarrett. If what Lin Wood said is true, it’s only a matter of time before we hear the (sweet) doors of justice slamming  shut on this sleeper cell, when our beloved President Trump returns to office and Drains the Swamp once and for All 🇺🇸

“All lies will be revealed” – Lin Wood


#TrumpIsStillYourPresident 🐸🇺🇸

“All lies will be revealed” – Lin Wood

While You Were Sleeping

While the media focused our attention on #KungFlu, Trump was playing 5D Chess

Good narrative of exactly HOW Trump took down the global cabal #WhileYouWereSleeping

We’ve Already Won, America 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 #HoldTheLine 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Meet me at CPAC 2021!

💥 Heads up Orlando! 💥

CPAC journey is LONG overdue! 🇺🇸

Those paying attention back in 2008, could see the upcoming tenure of the Obama administration would not be the status quo, no sir. Something felt different, and it rattled me to my core. In 2009, I set out to find the best source of uncensored news. At the time, the ONLY (newsworthy) platform was Twitter, where I quickly learned Conservatives didn’t have a voice, ANYWHERE.

That is until recently!! 👉

Backstory: I received a call from an anon who asked me if I were interested in cutting my political teeth. Grizz offered me an interview with the campaign of Wally Pang who was running for Congress in Mississippi. I interviewed with Wally’s campaign manager Doug Jones (who I later married, but that’s another topic) who asked if I were interested in remotely operating Wally’s campaign, all from the comfort of my Chicago loft.

I would be responsible for researching incumbent voting records, campaign website content, scheduling, press releases, along with other campaign duties and design protocols. Immediately, I accepted the job thrilled for the opportunity to see beyond the veil of politics meant for common citizens.

Fast forward 2014: acting Chairman of Panola County, Mississippi (GOP) Republican party, I  participated first hand, in the tumultuous, infamous runoff between incumbent Thad Cochran and state Senator Chris McDaniel; believe me, it was a bloody dog fight between the Republicans. MAJOR #VoterFraud TOOK PLACE! Fact!

Since 2010, I’ve moved to the South, written several blogs, all political, all scrapped by #BigTech. Both my Twitter and Facebook accounts are gone, POOF! Along with all of my loyal followers.

There was no shortage of Fraud taking place: Panola County (Mississippi) Circuit Clerk Melissa Meek Phelps positioned all of her ducks in a row. When matters shifted, and the vote count was called into question (by me), #democratic tactic was to send everyone home until the final ballot boxes had returned to the courthouse. Consequently, the missing ballot box didn’t arrive back at the court house until almost midnight and in the trunk of a car! That was just the tip of the iceberg. MASSIVE voter fraud took place in Panola County Mississippi, and continues to this day. Fact!

The worst part was, Republican competitors supported the actions of one Melissa Meek-Phelps and her sleazy antics. As I have said in the past: Republican and Democrats are 2 wings of the same bird.

Like the rest of my blogs, Wally’s was taken down for its “content”. However, I was able to muster up a screen shot from 2010, sourced from Library of Congress:

Disgusting how long #FakeNews has been censoring Conservatives. Even then, so many were SCREAMING how the #FakeNews media hijacked information and twisted it. Conservatives were attacked and ridiculed for speaking our truth…Battle scars and all, the more the #DeepState sent in their attack dogs to silence us, the more we rose up! #SleepingGiant

Which is why I’m SO excited about #CPAC2021 🇺🇸

CPAC is the political convention where Conservatives meet from across the globe to explore new paths of development and concepts the party will seek in the future. When we set up our new government, we should create a department of civil servants to oversee the vetting of our elected officials. #TermLimits

CPAC2021 is super important to America!

It is vital to vet the newest political hopefuls, who essentially, will be doing business in the name of America and #WeThePeople. My job is to identify who is telling the truth, in what circles they’re socializing, journaling/archiving/blogging documented oral and written information delivered by CPAC speakers. In addition, these newest political hopefuls will be taking the place of SwampRat Republican(s) who spoke out of both sides of their mouths. We can not let them hide anymore! It’s time to (publicly) name which politicians are cutting deals with terrorist enemy combatants,  and how our political #DeepState works in conjunction with education, #BigTech #BigPharma, and the entire globe.


Perhaps it bears repeating, BushSr. and George Jr., provided red carpet service for both Clinton and Obama Administration. Democrats could NOT have been successful in legislating America away to foreign interests without Republican support. CPAC2021 is the opportunity to present a clean slate, to evaluate and nominate new conservative leaders. Which is why my first order of business at CPAC is to hone-in and single out self-proclaimed FAKE *conservatives slithering around in Conservative circles. They need to be called out!

The below graphic lays out how our elected officials exploited American taxpayers. I’ll discuss this topic in future blog posts. Clearly, this web of deceit will take a bit more research. In the mean time, the chart below lays out the relationships in which politicians and corporations bargain with each other to rule our every day lives.

When voters elect a representative, naturally, we expect those reps to act as our voice when they reach Washington. But how do we know they actually follow through on their promises? Checking the voting records should be easy enough. After all, when we visit a state funded website, we expect the information to be accurate and (relatively) easy to access. For those who have made the voyage down legislative rabbit hole, need no tutorial, you understand the pain all too well. All legislative information is buried under layers of subsets, making it very difficult for average citizens to access and understand.

No matter your political affiliation, try not to point the finger of blame at one party or the other. Republicans have perpetrated deeds FAR WORSE than their Democratic counterparts. We all know they fail on their promises.


Fast forward to CPAC2021, I’ll be on hi-alert looking for any shred of political shapeshifting or party changes. Not a chance; I’m familiar with (most of) their voting records (inside / out 😎 ) Those planning to represent their respective districts and communities will be examined with a fine-toothed comb.

One question I plan to raise is how Independents and Libertarians plan to address the issue of the Primary ticket. Why should we continue to allow strictly a two-party system?

Cycle after cycle, voter proclamations for “TermLimits Now fall on deaf political ears, while the downward spiral and eroding of our Freedom continues. Ask yourselves why only Democrats and Republicans are given federally funded platforms to campaign? It’s the LAWYERS!!!! 🤬(more about that in a future blog post)



No longer should voters make our way to the polls, cast our vote, then scratch our asses wondering why the same politicians remain in power and continue to gain control over our lives? Only to THEN, burying our heads in our smart phones, claiming victimhood, bemoaning the fall of America has fallen apart! Wake up, America 🇺🇸🇺🇸

When considering how America fell so far so fast, we only have one place to point finger of blame.

👉#WeThePeople 👈

“In the age of information, ignorance is a choice”

CPAC is our chance to shine the light in their faces, where we can ask serious questions for a serious matter!
🇺🇸 JOIN ME AT CPAC2021 🇺🇸
Politics aside, I’m a foodie, so I plan to food-journal my ENTIRE trip: dinner & cocktails 🍸 with particular focus on pie and who has the best Fries
Love Love the South, no plans to return to my urban roots. However, I do miss a good pizza and a well crafted whiskey cocktail.
Meet me at CPAC 2021 and we’ll chat politics &Moscow Mule’s
#GodSpeed #MidnightRiders 🙏🇺🇸

#TrumpIsStillYourPresident 🐸

Israeli BOMBshell #MOAB #PizzagateIsReal 💥

Photo by cottonbro

Netanyahu To Release Evidence Of Washington Pedophile Ring

We all know Washington has their way of operating behind the scenes, all for the purpose of hiding what we believe to be “white collar” crime. What we were not aware of, until recently, was the methods used by U.S. politicians to hide their savagery against innocent children.

Complicit foreign governments turning a blind eye, while millions of children go missing every year because they have no birth records. Mainstream media, Central banking system, medicine, education, every facet of our lives, all set up to protect the elite Satanic Pedophiles who perpetrate these horrific crimes.

The veil has been lifted, #WeThePeople will not stand for #CrimesAgainstHumanity, and the elite’s sadistic CrimesAgainstChildren #Adrenochrome

Time to set our emotions aside and meet this evil head on. We have been graced by God by giving us Donald Trump 🇺🇸

We’re about to be shown the way #GodSpeed #MidnightRiders 🇺🇸🙏✝️

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